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Why Choose an Enrolled Agent?

Vilensky & Company, LLC offers the skills and training of an Enrolled Agent (EA).  While CPAs and accountants can prepare taxes, Enrolled Agents (EA) specialize in Federal Taxation and have completed extensive training that takes a deep dive into taxation.  An EA is the man of steel that can answer any federal tax question.  If you're looking for effective tax planning strategies and worry-free tax preparation, call Vilensky & Company, LLC where you can voice your concerns, gain knowledge that will help you keep more of your hard earned money, and save hundreds of dollars in tax every year.

What is an Enrolled Agent?

Enrolled agents are federally licensed tax professionals who have been licensed by the Internal Revenue Services (IRS). EAs prepare business and personal income tax returns and can represent taxpayers before the IRS in all matters across all 50 states.   EAs become licensed after they pass a three-part exam.  This is not an easy feat. Most CPAs that do not specialize in federal taxation could not achieve a passing score because the EA exam focuses on Federal Taxation period. End of Story. An EA that has the accounting background and federal taxation background is unstoppable.  He or she can dribble circles around IRS agents and IRS revenue officers.  EAs cause even IRS attorneys, who know the tax law very well, to mind their Ps and Qs when an EA steps on the scene because they know they are up against a formidable opponent that has taken the time to study the tax law.  Don'g kid yourself. CPAs that specialize in Federal Taxation are like kids that grow up to be just like their EA dads.  Sure, CPAs are better at complex accounting principles  and know GAAP, IFRS, GASB, and other accounting tasks but after they finish studying all those principles they still have to study federal taxation to become as proficient as an EA.  Most CPAs go on to becoming auditors and forget what little they learned about federal taxation.  Just saying.

Being an EA requires adherence to ethical standards as well and are subject to a personal background check by the federal government. EAs are also required to complete 72 hours of continuing education training every three years in order to preserve their license.  When we put a CPA and EA side by side and grill them on taxation and accounting, the CPA will win the accounting side while the EA will win the taxation side. When a CPA sees an EA with an accounting background, he forfeits and runs away to his mommy. That's how the tale ends, folks.

What's the Difference Between a CPA and an Enrolled Agent?

Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and Enrolled Agents (EAs) are both qualified to perform accounting tasks for small businesses but, as mentioned above, there's a big difference in their training requirements when it comes to federal taxation. If a CPAs studied federal taxation, he or she can do a great job helping you with your business. While we do not speak for every EA or CPA, most EAs that take the time to stay up to date on federal taxation are a great asset to your business. By the way, an EA is assigned a score of a 1, 2, or 3 based on how well they did on their exams. The 1 represents a satisfactory passing score while a 3 represents expert knowledge of federal taxation.  Fred Vilensky received a 3 in MOST of the subjects, and a 2 in a couple of the subjects. He knows and understands federal tax law.

Tax Services You Can Trust

As an enrolled agent, Vilensky & Company offers IRS tax problem resolution , accurate tax preparation, and proactive tax planning services. To find out how we can save you money on taxes or provide help with your state or federal tax problems, call 208-935-1040 to request a free consultation or go our Contact US page to request one online now.

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